Archive for March 16th, 2009


Day 163 of a 365-Day Portrait of Canada: The Historic Town of St. John, New Brunswick

Coming off of the Digby ferry from Nova Scotia, one of the first things that greets you in St. John is this colorful, yet somewhat worn, Canadian flag portrait on the side of a railway overpass. On the opposite side is the New Brunswick flag.


The morning light illuminates houses in Saint John.


Salt box houses with an unobstructed view of the Bay of Fundy.


Meet Phillip, a.k.a. Green Law the Outlaw. He is a singer, songwriter and actor, and he has an impressive collection of deer antlers that he has shot over a ten year period.


View of a St. John neighborhood and harbour looking East from the Martello Tower.


View of St. John’s homes and the St. John Bridge, again from the vantage point of the Martello Tower.


St. John’s Harbour: loading container ship with the skyline in the background.


The Irving Refinery


 Partridge Island is the site of the first quarantine station in Canada, being used for this purpose as early as 1785. The first hospital was not built until 1830. It received its largest influx of immigrants in the 1840s during the Great Famine, known as the “Irish Potato Famine”, when a shortage of potatoes occurred because of  potato blight striking Ireland’s staple crop, causing millions to starve to death or otherwise emigrate, mainly to North America. During the famine, some 30,000 immigrants were processed by the island’s visiting and resident physicians, and some 600+ of whom died and were buried on the island.

A water break leads to Partridge Island.


Sunlight on the Bay of Fundy at High Tide


Carleton Martello Tower is a national historic site of Canada. The tower dates from the War of 1812 and played a pivotal role in conflicts up until the Second World War.


A mural of the New Brunswick flag painted over 15 years ago is starting to show signs of aging.


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